Alec in Shades 2
Another of my friend Alec. Oil on 5″x7″linen panel.
Men in Hats, Randall
Portrait of my friend, the painter. Randall Diehl. Done from a photo taken in the early 80’s 12″ x 15″ OIl on gessoed masonite
Robert Johnson, Father of the Blues
In honor of Father’s day, I thought this painting of Robert Johnson, done a few years ago, would be just the thing. Robert Johnson, 12″x15″ oil on gessoed masonite. Original “sold” A limited edition of 100 prints are now available, signed and numbered. 12″ x 15″ with a one inch border. Beautifully reproduced on a […]
Welcome to Gary Cooley’s art gallery. Here’s another in my “Men in Hats” series Be sure to peruse the categories of larger paintings in the categories links. Portrait of Aaron, Live action director. 8″x10″ oil on gessoed board. Not for sale.
Welcome to Gary Cooley’s art gallery. All the paintings in this gallery are originals and one of a kind. Larger paintings are categorized in the upper right of the page. Click on image for larger view. A portrait of my photographer friend, Steve. oil on 7″x9″ gessoed card. Not for sale.
Johnny Winter
Portrait of Blues and Rock legend Johnny Winter. Watercolor and ink on watercolor paper. 6″x8″. “Sold”
Robert Pete Williams
Portrait of blues man “Robert Pete Williams” 5 1/2″x7″ watercolor and ink on heavy watercolor paper auction ended, “available” $125.00
“Howlin Wolf”
Portrait of legendary bluesman “Howlin Wolf”. Watercolor on 5 1/2″x7″ heavy wight w/c paper. “available” If this painting is not sold once the auction ends it will be available for $175 + S&H Please contact me at [email protected]
Mallory in Paradise
Portrait of our lovely niece Mallory in Zihuatenejo, Mexico. 5″x7″ oils on linen. Nor for sale